






Deepening your understanding of the person you are consulting with...Six aspects of understanding people

The person receiving counseling has various relationships within their family and local community, and lives with many constraints. These relationships have some kind of influence on the social life of the person seeking counseling. In her book, Kazume Fukuyama organizes the constraints in social life and describes a framework for understanding people in six aspects.

People's understanding of the current situation in which the person seeking advice is troubled is based on 1) the psychological aspects of what kind of feelings they have in their hearts, 2) the psychological aspects of being anxious and unable to calm down, and 3) the need to maintain one's life. ``Physical aspects'' such as economic and housing conditions, ④ ``Physical aspects'' such as what kind of physical disabilities you have in your daily life, ⑤ Status of relationships with family and local people. It is organized into ``social aspects'' such as ⑥, and ⑥``spiritual aspects'' such as the person's values and religion.

We need to understand that each of these six aspects is not separate, but that all aspects overlap in a complex way as a person, and some people find themselves in their current situation.

In other words, in consultation situations provided by dementia prevention support counselors, they understand that the problems the client is facing are complexly intertwined from various aspects, and then grasp and organize the situation of the client. It requires the strength to do so. In this sense, it can be said that dementia prevention support counselors need to be fully aware of their own subjective biases and have the ability to observe the counselor's values, feelings, and ways of thinking from multiple perspectives.

The people supported by dementia prevention support counselors are local people in a broad sense, and people with dementia in a narrow sense. In that sense, dementia prevention support counselors come into contact with the values of many people. It can be said that our role and philosophy is to value the values of these people, to be close to them, and to think and act together to solve problems.













